Monday 17 October 2016

Things You Should Know About Frozen Egg Donor Banks

Frozen Egg Donor Banks
In case you are wondering as to how exactly a Frozen Egg Donor Bank functions, you need to learn about some facts pertaining to this technology.  As you must be know, frozen eggs are slowly, but surely, being given priority over fresh donor eggs by prospective parents. It is important to understand its process as a whole to know about advantages of using this technology.

Frozen egg technology is a process of retrieving woman's eggs and freezing and subsequently storing them in egg banks to use them later on. Freezing and storing does not affect fertility of eggs in any way. Their storage period depends on requirement of a customer. These frozen eggs can be thawed and fertilized by doctors when a recipient is ready for conceiving.

During the process of egg freezing, it is important to protect eggs from any possible damage they might incur. For ensuring that eggs remain protected, certain chemicals are added to them. In this way, water in these eggs is replaced by a chemical which, in turn, prevents formation of ice crystals during freezing process. Another method Frozen Egg Donor Banks use to prevent egg damage is to freeze them so fast that ice crystals do not get minimum time required to form.

According to recent studies, around 93 percent of vitrified eggs come out safe through the warming process. Vitrification has brought significant improve in pregnancy rates. Any intended parent can scan through the diverse database of frozen donor eggs on internet and it is almost certain that their needs and requirements will be satisfied.

You can place order for frozen donor eggs on their website after making your final selection of an egg donor. Prices of frozen eggs vary according to number of eggs ordered by a customer. Frozen Egg Donor bank will deliver ordered eggs within few days at address of your respective doctor. Thereafter, your reproductive clinic will initiate the process of thawing eggs and fertilizing them.

Vitrification freezing technology has made life easy for numerous couples as it ensures immediate treatment, relatively affordable egg donation costs and constant success rates at par with fresh donor eggs.


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